Achieving the Goals of Art Learning through Sandwich (NCE) Programme: An Assessment of Art Education Programme of Four Colleges of Education in Southwest, Nigeria

  • John Adenle Department of Creative Arts, University of Lagos, Akoka
Keywords: Sandwich, part- time, art learning, skill drills


This study aims at assessing the quality of NCE sandwich programme in Fine Arts, outline the shortcomings associated and suggest a probable extension for the programme. The rationale behind this study is to ensure that sandwich NCE meets the same standard their counterpart in full-time NCE are subjected to, The findings are expected to help in providing useful information on the quality, standard and usefulness of this programme. 60 subjects were drawn from 4 Colleges of Education in South West of Nigeria consisting of sandwich students, sandwich graduates of NCE and lecturers of Fine and applied arts. The instrument for data collection comprised of a questionnaire developed by the researcher. Data analysis technique employed was frequency and percentage. Results showed that there is no sufficient time for skill drills and assignments in practical courses and the duration of the programmes are not adequately commensurate w?ith the workload for the necessary acquisition of skills in art learning during each contact period. .. More so the volume of work would be justified and the necessary acquisition of skills in Art learning would be achieved.

