Quand le Terme “Noir” Entre en Classe…

  • Gregory Osas Simire Department of European Languages, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria



Language is inextricably linked to culture, in other words language learning also means acquiring its cultural knowledge. Neither   the language teacher, nor the student-learner has a full knowledge of its culture. Our major concern in this study is to find out how best to simplify or facilitate the transmission of the didactics of culture within the context of French teaching and learning as a foreign language. We set out to do this by bringing to the classroom the word ‘’black’’, a term susceptible of having as many meanings or connotations as the number of divergent cultures represented in our classroom situation. Through carefully planned study on aspects of French culture, we consciously led Nigerian students of diversified cultural backgrounds into comparing their respective cultures with French culture with the following objectives:  awakening in them their cultural identities;  motivating them to, unconsciously, learn more about selected aspects of French culture, and  identifying areas of similarities, first, between French and Nigerian cultures represented within the classroom and, secondly, between the Nigerian cultures present.  Thus, acquiring new vocabulary as well as more cultural knowledge of others’ cultures, some aspects of which may not be so far from theirs, is significant.

Une langue est indissociable de sa culture ; ce qui fait qu’apprendre une langue c’est aussi connaître les codes culturels. La culture s’avère difficile à apprécier aussi bien pour l’enseignant, transmetteur de connaissance que pour l’apprenant. Dans ce travail, nous cherchons à faciliter la didactique de la culture dans un contexte de FLE en faisant entrer dans la classe le terme ‘’noir’’ qui peut avoir différentes connotations selon les cultures en présence. Nous avons amené des apprenants nigérians de diverses cultures à la confrontation de leurs cultures à la culture française dans le but:  de prendre conscience de leur identité  d’apprécier la culture de la langue apprise en l’occurrence le français de repérer les points communs entre les cultures en présence et d’élargir leur champ de connaissance linguistique et d’apprécier la culture de l’autre qui peut être parfois si proche.

Author Biography

Gregory Osas Simire, Department of European Languages, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria

Department of European Languages, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria
