27th Volume : Call for Papers/Articles/Submissions


Lagos Notes and Records (LNR) is currently accepting manuscripts for its 27th Volume scheduled to be published in the third quarter of 2021. LNR is an annual interdisciplinary journal of the humanities devoted to publishing well-researched articles in all areas of the humanities and allied disciplines (i.e. Arts, Social Sciences, and Law). It publishes high-quality solicited and unsolicited articles in English. In addition to original articles, the journal also publishes review articles, brief accounts of work in progress, as well as notes and comments on issues arising out of recent publications.


All articles scheduled for publication in LNR go through a double-blind peer-review process. The referencing format of the journal is based on APA and MLA styles.


Deadline for Submission of Manuscript: 6th June 2021

Review Period/Process: one/two months

Anticipated Date of Publication: August/September, 2021

Articles are pre-published online @ http://lnr.unilag.edu.ng/


All correspondence and contributions should be submitted electronically @


and forwarded via email to:

The Editor

Lagos Notes and Records

Faculty of Arts

University of Lagos

Email: artspublications@unilag.edu.ng;