Mending Relations With Washington: How Ready is Moscow in the 21st Century

  • Chuka Chukwube Department of European Languages University of Lagos, Lagos


Relations between Russia and the United States have a long history of distrust and lack of faith. In spite of the Soviet era perestroika and glasnost, America still believes that Russia has yet to come out of the “iron curtain”, and Russia has not stopped accusing the United States of wielding undue influence in world politics, economy and security. Russia is seriously holding on to countries of the former Soviet Union and her former allies and is determined to ward off any possible American influence on them. In this piece, efforts are made to review and analyze the level of preparedness of both countries in creating more trusted relationship in the face of great threat on world peace in the 21st century

Author Biography

Chuka Chukwube, Department of European Languages University of Lagos, Lagos

Department of European Languages University of Lagos, Lagos
